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Welcome to the New Human Rights Here

We are delighted to introduce to our readership the new "look" of Human Rights Here! We hope you will like it.

The new version of Human Rights Here is meant to be more user-friendly and enhance the reading experience of our readers. The new landing page improves the visibility of the most recent posts while the change in the layout and colours allows for consistency with the style of the NNHRR's webpage.

We are thankful for the support provided by the NNHRR, through the Asser Institute, for these improvements.  

We hope this new bright look will inaugurate an equally bright era of more creativity at all levels. We would be pleased to receive comments from you, both within and outside the NNHRR, on how we can continue to improve. And we are of course looking forward to receiving, reading and publishing more content from you! 

The HRH editors

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